Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Jamiyah Darul Ma'wa Charity Carnival

Its been a while since Bella Belle updates.

We're super tight with school especially juggling with other events too. 
Yes Events,!
One of the events done by us, charity at JAMIYAH Darul Ma'wa such as shown in the picture.
We love kids, we love making other's feel happy and most importantly PEACE

Basically on that day,
Our #bellabellefacepaintings booth is no.26...
What we're trying to achieve is to bring some happiness to the kids at Darul Ma'wa... and the proceeds will go along way for the children's education needs..
And yes all of us hit our target to help them!

We really thanked to those who came and support us! Alhamdulilah! Amin!

YES, Whoever can tag their pictures through this #jchCarnival 

For more pictures, Do check it out through our FB page: 


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