Thursday, February 6, 2014

#mainlandfishfarm @ Pasir Ris

Dear little angel,

Here I am back again on this little Bella Belle face Paintings. Things been getting busy nowadays till I forget to update this blog of mine. Alright, not to delay I've been working on an event last year, which I think I'm delaying too many time to blog it. Whatever it is, details will be as follow. 

Scroll down to look for it okay!

Date: 23rd December 2013
Venue: Pasir Ris Fish farm
Time: 1000hrs - 1300hrs
Games Entitled: Passing Parcel/Musical Chair/Missing Card

Anyway, I had fun working on with all the pre-school kids! Yes, because I LOVE kids too much. No wonder, I can clique with them right? Haha, frankly speaking I am into kids. Either too cute or hard to resist their cuteness. I think, I talk too much. Let the photos  do the talking. Just to remind you little readers, if you wish to enquire more on my Bella Belle Face Paintings don't hesitate to email me at:

Enjoy enough? So what you waiting for? Let's enquire more on Bella Belle Face Paintings event! Till here, see you again readers...

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